Accessing the Genome Browser Programmatically Part 2 – Using the Public MySQL Server and gbdb System

If you missed part 1 about obtaining sequence data, you can catch up here. Note: We now have an API which can also perform many of these functions. The UCSC Genome Browser is a large repository of data from multiple sources, and if you want to query that annotation data, the easiest way to get started […]

Accessing the Genome Browser Programmatically Part 1 – How to get sequence from the UCSC Genome Browser

Note: We now have an API which can also perform many of these functions. As the number of bioinformaticians have grown since the inception of the UCSC Genome Browser in 2000, there has been an increased need for programmatic access to the data and tools hosted at UCSC. Although there is no true API developed by UCSC […]